Please Be Security Conscious
By Nma Ikeanyionwu
This may sound stupid but please read to the end.
Went to check out a site that a client wants my team to work on. He picked me up at temp site and we headed to somewhere in/around Nkwelle, 3:3 to be precise.
There’s an estate there and I don’t even know the name. Only to get there and while he was horning for the gate man to open up the gate, he came down for something and immediately the gate man came out and gave me a sign to run.
Initially I didn’t understand what that was for but as we drove in I saw huge guys and we all went into the house.
Fortunately I forgot the small bag I came with inside the car, and as I went out with the same gate man for him to open the door for me to get my bag, he told me to run else I won’t go out alive.
Thought he was joking till one of the guys came out almost immediately and shouted at me for wasting time in bringing the said bag.
Was still confused on why he should shout at me since he didn’t bring me to the place and I’ve never met him, I shouted back warning him to get civilized.
Before I knew it, slap follow o. I was still holding my jaw when he went in for something. I don’t know what but that was when the gate man guy took me by the hand and pushed me out.
Fortunately there’s a Keke that came around, so I entered with my bag. That was when I heard them shouting at the gate man guy. They started following up on the Keke guy.
The Keke guy with the other passenger were all worried and were asking lots of questions I had no answer to. They took another route that was how we missed on those other guys. Instead of dropping me at the Nkwelle junction, they took me to nkpor to get a bus going to Awka. That was how I came out.
I could have listened to the gate man. Could have be more security conscious but I wasn’t. It’s just God that did it for me and for that I am grateful??.
Never been this grateful for my #Life
To think that I left Abby Abigail Omolola as early as 6:30 or thereabout this morning without telling her where I was going to??♂️.

God I’m grateful??.